Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Math world


            Maths world

Mathematics is the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations.


The Origins of Mathematics.


Like every other aspect of human invention, mathematics has its origin, and like every technology, and mathematics is at least partly that, its origin is based upon needs of mankind. The particular needs are those arising from the wants of society. The more complex the society, the more complex the needs. The primitive tribe has little mathematical needs beyond counting. The complex society intent on building great temples, mustering conquering armies, or managing large capital assets has logistical problems that demand mathematics to solve.

Branches of Mathematics – Applied and Pure Mathematics


In today's world, mathematics has two broad divisions:
Applied mathematics, which gives us the tools we need to shape the world around us. From the simple arithmetic of counting your change at the store, to the complex functions and equations used to design jet turbines, this field is the practical, hands on side of math.

Pure math is the esoteric part of the discipline, where mathematicians seek proofs and develop theorems. I studied pure mathematics (not very successfully) at school and it is almost like a different language; professional mathematicians seem to see the world in a different way, their elegant theorems and mathematical functions giving them a different insight onto the world.

    Mathematics is a core skill for life

It seems to be generally agreed that in order for adults to function (reasonably well) in an increasingly complex world, they require a basic level of numeracy (All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education, 2011; Burghes, 2012; Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2013; Gove in foreword to Vorderman et al., 2011). Numeracy, or mathematical knowledge, is seen as a crucially important (Ofsted, 2012; Vorderman et al., 2011) which is increasingly necessary in a range of life-skills, such as personal finance, (e.g. choosing a mortgage, budgeting, phone contracts) and data-handling. (All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education, 2011; Norris, 2012; Vorderman et al., 2011)

The importance of the need for all citizens to understand data and view statistics critically is strongly made (British Academy, 2012; Porkess, 2012). The argument is that more and more debate in society rests on statistical arguments, particularly with increasing amounts of data within a digital society, and an understanding of these arguments is necessary for informed debate and decision making (British Academy, 2012; Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2013; Porkess, 2012; Vorderman et al., 2011). For example, the British Academy (2012) states that:

Without statistical understanding citizens, voters and consumers cannot play a full part. To call politicians, media and business to account, we need the skills to know when spurious arguments are being advanced.


                        Maths in nature

                                                 1 – Sun-Moon Symmetry


The sun has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometres, while his sister, the Moon, has a meagre diameter of 3,474 kilometres. With these figures, it seems near impossible that the moon can block the sun’s light and give us around five solar eclipses every two years.



Most animals have bilateral symmetry, which means drawing an even centre line would create two matching halves.The peacock takes the earlier principle of using symmetry to attract a mate to the nth degree. In fact, Charles Darwin, who famously conceived the survival of the fittest theory, detested peacocks.
                                                               3-Star fish

The larvae of echinoderms have bilateral symmetry, meaning the organism’s left and ride side form a mirror image. However, during metamorphosis, this is replaced with a superficial radial symmetry, where the organism can be divided into similar halves by passing a plane at any angle along a central axis.
                                                    4. Crop circles

It’s possible alien-made crop circles exist on Earth; however, the fact the circles are getting more complicated suggests most are man-made. It’s counterintuitive to think aliens trying to make contact would create increasingly complicated messages that are near impossible to decipher. It’s more likely people are learning from each other through example
                                                 5 – Orb Web Spiders

There are approximately 5,000 types of orb web spiders. All of them create near-perfect circular webs that have near-equal-distanced radial supports coming out of the middle and a spiral that is woven to catch prey. 
                                                          6. Faces

Humans possess bilateral symmetry, and research suggests a person’s symmetry is of paramount importance when determining physical attraction.
                                              7 – Milky Way Galaxy
 Symmetry and mathematical patterns seem to exist everywhere on Earth – but are these laws of nature native to our planet alone
                                                            8 – Tree Branches
The Fibonacci sequence is so widespread in nature that it can also be seen in the way tree branches form and split.

                                                          9 – Honeycombs,

Bees are renowned as first-rate honey producers, but they’re also adept at geometry. For centuries, mankind has marvelled at the incredible hexagonal figures in honeycombs

                                               10 – Pinecones,

Pinecones have seed pods that arrange in a spiral pattern. They consist of a pair of spirals, each one twisting upwards in opposing direction
11 – Romanesco

This example can be found in the produce section of the humble grocery story. Romanesco broccoli has an unusual appearance, and many assume it’s another food that’s fallen victim to genetic  symmetry in modification. However, it’s actually one of many instances of fractalnature.
                                                12 – Nautilus Shell,

A nautilus is a cephalopod mollusk with a spiral shell and numerous short tentacles around its mouth.

Although more common in plants, some animals, like the nautilus, showcase Fibonacci numbers. A nautilus shell is grown in a Fibonacci spiral. The spiral occurs as the shell grows outwards and tries to maintain its proportional shape.
                                                    13 – Uteruses,

according to gynaecologists and the university hospital Leuven in Belgium ,doctors can tell whether a uterus looks normal and healthy based on its relative dimensions - dimensions that approximate the golden ratio

                                                    14 – Sunflowers,

Bright, bold and beloved by bees, sunflowers boast radial symmetry and a type of numerical symmetry known as the Fibonacci sequence, which is a sequence where each number is determined by adding together the two numbers that preceded it. For example: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 24, 55, and so forth.

                                              15 – Snowflakes,

We can’t go past the tiny but miraculous snowflake as an example of symmetry in nature. Snowflakes exhibit six-fold radial symmetry, with elaborate, identical patterns on each arm. Researchers already struggle to rationalise why symmetry exists in plant life, and in the animal kingdom, so the fact that the phenomenon appears in inanimate objects totally infuriates them.




                                                      an audio clip about mathematics
a video about mathematics 

A polygon is any 2-dimensional shape formed with straight lines.Triangles,quadrilaterals,pentagons and hexagons are all examples of polygons. Every polygons have interior and exterior angles. Let us discuss about the way of finding the sum of angles in a polygon  



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